Concept for a game, hover your cursor over the picture
Special thanks to Rebecca Deakin for sparing the time to show
me how to get .swf files hosted on the internet
I have recently begun learning ActionScript 3.0. The Flash piece below is just intended as concept for a game I would like to animate and programme. I need to admit that this particular piece was scripted in ActionScript 2.0, so that I could get a little practice before I got hold of the later version of ActionScript, but so far using ActionScript 3.0 I have successfully scripted tests that include:
>Moving a character left and right via keyboard, and adjusting the background accordingly
>Loading and/or unloading extra characters when the player reaches a certain point
>Moving a character left and right via keyboard, and adjusting the background accordingly
>Loading and/or unloading extra characters when the player reaches a certain point
>Making a character walk over uneven ground or fall to it, without sinking into it
which I will upload here soon, although they will have no aesthetic consideration in them as they are only scripting tests in preparation for making the main game.
which I will upload here soon, although they will have no aesthetic consideration in them as they are only scripting tests in preparation for making the main game.
It worked! Also the actionscripty stuff sounds ver. exciting so far!